Welcome to the Class Action Clinic’s Class Action Database

The database is an innovative new tool that helps to track and report on class action litigation in Ontario. The database was developed by the Class Action Clinic, the Class Action Lab at the University of Montreal and the Law Commission of Ontario to improve reporting, data collection, analysis and public awareness of class actions in Ontario, and to accommodate more detailed information about class action outcomes as it becomes publicly available in the future. The data is not currently up to date but data entry is ongoing.
Search Class Actions

Search by keyword, case name, category of case or date.

Who We Are

The Class Action Clinic at Windsor Law is staffed with a team of law students, review counsel and a faculty director who provide a range of legal services, information, assistance with filing claims in settlement distribution processes, public education and outreach.


Questions or comments about the database can be forwarded to classactiondatabase@uwindsor.ca.
